Finds the contents of a cell in a specified column of a vertical lookup table. Counts the number of sheets in a range. Counts the number of rows in a range. Returns the value NA (not available). Returns system information for the current session. See the @Functions and Macros Guide for a list of attributes to use as arguments. Finds the contents of the cell located at a specified column, row, and sheet of a range. Finds the contents of a cell in a specified row of a horizontal lookup table. Returns the value ERR (error). Creates a cell address from values that correspond to worksheet, column, and row. Counts the number of columns in a range. Finds the value or text string in a list of values and/or text strings. Returns information about an attribute of the active cell. See 1-2-3 Help for a list of attributes. Returns information about an attribute of a specified cell. See 1-2-3 Help for a list of attributes. Returns the contents of the cell whose name or address is specified in the argument location.